Dodano: 19 May 2023
1:23 minutes

Recognizing the need to step up with and intensify activities increasing the knowledge of young people aged 14-24, raising their awareness as future employees and employers in the field of safety and rights at work, the National Labor Inspectorate is implementing a nationwide information and education campaign from 2022 to 2024. 
According to the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), 18- to 24-year-olds are more likely to have a serious accident at work than older workers. Younger workers may be exposed to poor working conditions leading to the development of occupational diseases while still young or later in life. Young workers may lack experience and often lack physical and mental maturity. They do not always take risks seriously. Other factors that put young people at greater risk include:

  • insufficient skills and training,
  • lack of awareness of one's rights and the responsibilities of an employer,
  • lack of confidence to voice their opinions and enforce their rights,
  • disregard by employers of the need to provide young workers with additional protection.

Campaign goals

  • disseminating knowledge of labor laws on employment.
  • creating awareness of occupational hazards occurring in the work environment,
  • informing about the legal assistance that is provided by the National Labor Inspectorate in eliminating irregularities in employment,
  • creating a culture of safety among young workers by creating attitudes and values related to the elimination of occupational risks.

Main activities:

  • “Culture of safety” educational program in secondary schools, including universities,
  • activities in the media to disseminate knowledge of labor law and OSH among young people,
  • knowledge contests in the field of labor law,
  • educational publications and popularization initiatives, such as fairs, career days,
  • seminars, conferences, information meetings involving the campaign partners.