The Speaker of the Sejm, Szymon Hołownia, appointed Marcin Stanecki as the Chief Labour Inspector on 14 June 2024. The new head of the State Labour Inspection has received positive opinions from the Labour Protection Council and the Sejm’s Commission for State Control.
During the ceremony, the Speaker of the Sejm emphasised that the new Chief Labour Inspector is a frontline labour inspector, a man who has conducted inspections, knows the office and the challenges facing the inspection. He knows the situation in the field and how to solve problems at the legislative level.
“The new head of the State Labour Inspection is a practitioner with a flair for reform. His task will be to bring about changes so that the State Labour Inspection is effective and workers feel that they are protected.”
For her part, the Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policy, Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bąk, said that she had confidence in the new Chief Labour Inspector.
“He is a man with a mission, vision, plan and energy. We are entering a new phase of action for the safety of workers and the well-being of employers,” said the Minister.
The newly appointed Chief Labour Inspector stressed that his dream is for the State Labour Inspection to be a modern institution, shaping new standards in legal protection and safety at work.
“I also want the inspection to be an attractive employer, so that people working in the inspection are proud to be a part of it,” said Marcin Stanecki, the new Chief Labour Inspector.