The ELA delegation was also comprised of Pedro Assares, Head of Enforcement and Analysis Unit, and Magdalena Klimczak-Nowacka, Polish National Liaison Officer in ELA.
n the welcoming speech, the Chief Labour Inspector mentioned the National Labour Inspectorate’s priorities and advisory activity, targeted as well at refugees from Ukraine. In addition, she recalled the NLI’s cooperation carried out so far with the European Labour Authority and the conducted concerted cross-border inspections.
The ELA Executive Director presented proposals to increase the number and effectiveness of concerted and joint cross-border inspections coordinated by ELA and joint training in this respect for a group of labour inspectors from all EU Member States at the European level. The Polish party familiarised itself with the presented plans.
Another subject of the discussion was the situation related to the inflow of refugees from Ukraine to the territory of Poland and the NLI’s activities to assist Ukrainian nationals in efficient and safe finding of employment in the Polish labour market. The National Labour Inspectorate emphasised its many-year experience in inspecting the legality of employment of foreigners and consultancy targeted at foreigners in Poland. In this context the European Labour Authority proposed actions which would enable the NLI to share the above-mentioned experience with labour inspections of other EU Member States.
The NLI was represented at the meeting also by: Jarosław Leśniewski, Deputy Chief Labour Inspector, Dariusz Górski, Director of the Legality of Employment Department at CLI and Marta Chodorowska, Head of International Relations Unit at the Chief Labour Inspector’s Cabinet.
In the afternoon, Cosmin Boiangiu and Katarzyna Łażewska-Hrycko together with co-workers participated in the session of the Parliamentary Committee for State Supervision. During the meeting Cosmin Boiangiu gave some information on the European Labour Authority’s role and work programme. Much of his speech was devoted to ELA’s activities in the face of mass inflow to Poland and other European Union countries of refugees from Ukraine being at war. Many of them will be looking for a job. The Authority’s task will be to prevent unregistered work of refugees from Ukraine and to counteract their exploitation by dishonest employers. Persons who have fled from the war to the EU should have access to information on their right to enter the labour market and the related entitlements. Cosmin Boiangiu stressed that he had talked about cooperation in this respect with Chief Labour Inspector Katarzyna Łażewska-Hrycko.