Katarzyna Łażewska-Hrycko, the Chief Labour Inspector, and the Head of the Czech State Labour Inspection Office Rudolf Hahn signed a protocol on cooperation and exchange of information.
The Protocol on Cooperation and Exchange of Information, signed on 6 June 2023, regulates, among other things, the issue of tackling labour rights violations in Poland and the Czech Republic. Chief Labour Inspector Katarzyna Łażewska-Hrycko emphasized that the protocol signed in Wrocław is the result of many years of cooperation between the Polish and Czech labour inspectorates.
“It summarises current trends, mutual expectations as to the way forward in the light of a number of legislative changes that have taken place in recent years, particularly at the level of EU legislation,” said Katarzyna Łażewska-Hrycko.
“We had to update the previous agreement because the market is constantly changing,” said Rudolf Hahn, the Head of the Czech State Labour Inspection Office. “Our cooperation is deepening as economic relations between our countries deepen and labour markets merge, when, for example, Polish employees work on the Czech side or Czech entrepreneurs want to enter the Polish market.
In this way, the Protocol updates the provisions of the bilateral cooperation agreement concluded in 2005. Among other things, the newly signed document includes provisions regulating the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services.
“They result from EU regulations. The document refers to the observance of regulations on working and employment conditions for workers posted to the Czech Republic and Poland, as well as the fight against illegal practices violating labour rights in both countries,” the Chief Labour Inspector emphasized.
The Head of the Czech State Labour Inspection Office, Rudolf Hahn, said that the Polish Labour Inspection is an institution with which the Czech counterpart cooperates intensely. The signed document, which replaces an earlier agreement, opens up the possibility for cooperation in completely new areas.